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$1 000 (Fixed)

Женщина – это цветок

Price : $1 000 (Fixed)
Type : Sell
Date : 2021-01-04
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes
Location : Николая Рубцова 3, Санкт - Петербург

This work is called “A Woman is a Flower”. For me, a woman is always beauty, tenderness, fragility, softness, charm and decoration. It is the flower that embodies all of the above qualities. We treat flowers tenderly, carefully, with love. We feed them, water them, take care of them, give them our time, attention, energy so that it is beautiful, pleases us, and bears fruit. I believe that a man should treat a woman in the same way as a flower. Because a woman is the beginning of everything, the cause of everything. She, like a flower, feeds on love, care and attention to herself. Take care of women.

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