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Price On Call

the person with a golden shade-Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel & Paper Gold – 140X150 cm-2013

Price : Price On Call
Type : 10% discount
Date : 2021-11-01
Condition : New
Warranty : No
Location : CAIRO EGYPT

person with a golden shadow

Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel & Paper Gold -140X150 C.M-2013/14-Signed

If we look at the nature of the problem of the relationship between the soul and the body, we will find that we are still continuing to establish a distinction and differentiation between the so-called soul and the so-called soul. Where the soul is more related to the body and the organic functions of the human being, and is linked to those functions in its existence. As for the soul, it is self-contained and isolated in its existence from the human body, and therefore it is immortal and immortal after the body dies and perishes. The soul, then, is related to the physical and organic life, while the soul is related to the intellectual and mental life. During our review of the philosophical vision of this relationship throughout history, it will become clear to us how this duality or binary division continued for long periods in the philosophical vision.

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